Do you deal in the purchase of property in Nigeria? Whether you own the property or you’re just a buyer, this article helps you discover the legal documents involved in the purchase of property in Nigeria.
Here, we refer to real properties – lands, homes, and so on.
What are the legal documents you need to own or present in purchasing land or property in Nigeria?
Let’s check out some of them in the next subheading.
List Of Legal Documents For Purchase Of Property In Nigeria
There are quite a number of them. However, this list covers all the basics that will keep you in the right legal standing when it comes to the purchase of property in Nigeria.
Contract of Sale
This is one of the preliminary documents you would need when trying to purchase a property. This document is not legally necessary but vital. Why?
It helps document important transaction details and agreements parties have before the legal documents are executed. We can define Deposit, Fixtures ownership, Possession, et..c. all in this agreement.
Deed of Assignment
You need this legal document to sell any real property in Nigeria. The purchaser has to execute this document to perfect the transaction. The purchaser must execute the document properly.
Certificate of Occupancy
This is colloquially referred to as C of O in Nigeria. The holder of this document is presumed to be the owner of the property in respect of which the C of O was issued. Also, the Governor of the state is the legal party issuing authority.
Perfection Documents
- You need to obtain the consent of the Governor, as well as the stamping of your title documents and lastly registration. You need to get this after you get the deed of assignment.
- Survey plan
- Land/Property purchase receipt
- Building Plan approval
- Assent, Probate grant, Deed of mortgage (Where applicable)
- Utilities receipt, etc.
- There is a long list of material documents you are to obtain and keep and you would do well to seek competent legal advice in this regard. Property transactions are quite dicey and you would need experienced professionals to help you skim through.
- Ebuka, “Important documents used in a real estate transaction in Nigeria” available at,-The%20Deed%20of&text=It%20includes%20details%20of%20the,with%20the%20relevant%20land%20registry accessed on September 21 2023
- Pennek, “7 Important Documents for Property Transaction in Nigeria” available at accessed on September 21 2023
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