Protection Of Computer Programmes As An Intellectual Property Rights In Nigeria.
Under the Nigerian law computer programmes can be protected using copyright law, patent law and trade secret law.
Today, the requirements to be satisfied as shown by the Copyrights Act will be highlighted.
Under the Nigerian copyright law regime, there are series of works which are eligible for protection. They are; literary works, musical works, artistic works, cinematograph works, sound recording, and broadcasts.
Computer programmes is listed under literary works. Thus qualifying it for a space for protection under copyright law.
Before any of the works listed above can be copyrighted it must satisfy the twin requirement of originality – meaning the author must have expended sufficient effort on making the work to give it an original character and fixation – meaning the work must have been fixed in any definite medium of expression which it can be perceived, reproduced and communicated directly or indirectly with the aid of any machine or device.
A work automatically becomes copyrighted once it satisfies the twin requirements above even without registration but registration will serve as an evidence in cases of infringement.
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